Monday, October 19, 2015

Definiitons And Meanings

The first issue I want to talk about are definitions and meanings.

I had a English teacher in college that was really into etymology, which is the origin of words and  how their meanings have changed over time, and breaking down words for their definition. One of the first words he broke down for the class was Astronaut. Astro means star, Naut means sailor, so Astronaut actually means Star Sailor. Kind of nice isn't it?

Now, how does this relate to political realities? Let's breakdown Capitalism and Socialism. Here we go:

-ism is thought or theory based on it's subject.
Capital is accumulated wealth, money.
Social is relations of people, community.

One of the words has an emphasis on "Me" the other has an emphasis on "We".

Both political parties talk about the same issues, it is simply their resolve that differs. Both parties realize that there is an issue on wealth distribution. If you are politically active, you know what each parties resolve on the issues are, so I am not going to repeat it.

Here's something I have seen on CNN that has really bothered me. A few of their anchors are using the word "Socialism" almost like a scare word, in fact I almost thought I was watching Fox News rather than CNN.. I really wonder if they understand what the word means. If they look at what Hillary's resolve is on issues and Bernie's  resolve is on issues, there isn't a lot of difference.

The general public needs to understand that being a Social Democrat or a Socialist doesn't mean we are all going to be running around in Mao jackets. Countries like Denmark, Norway, France all have an emphasis on "Social" issues. Oops! there's that scare word again. :-)

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