Sunday, January 24, 2016

Superdelegate - Unpledged Delegates

Here's something we need to monitor closely.

A lot of people don't know about Superdelegates, also called Unpledged Delegates who will be part of the Democratic National Convention held July 25-28. They represent about a sixth of the overall delegate count (approximately 4,764) who will cast a vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

Here's a Wiki link:,_2016

They are far from Unpledged Delegates, so far 359 have already committed to Hillary, 8 to Bernie and 2 to Martin.

Here's the problem, they could potentially swing the results to nominate a candidate that did not receive the majority of votes during the primary caucuses. They are not obligated to support the candidate chosen by the voters. If that happens, it makes the whole primary caucuses a total farce.. 

Let's hope the Superdelegates don't swing the vote from the primary voters. 

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