Sunday, January 24, 2016

Superdelegate - Unpledged Delegates

Here's something we need to monitor closely.

A lot of people don't know about Superdelegates, also called Unpledged Delegates who will be part of the Democratic National Convention held July 25-28. They represent about a sixth of the overall delegate count (approximately 4,764) who will cast a vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

Here's a Wiki link:,_2016

They are far from Unpledged Delegates, so far 359 have already committed to Hillary, 8 to Bernie and 2 to Martin.

Here's the problem, they could potentially swing the results to nominate a candidate that did not receive the majority of votes during the primary caucuses. They are not obligated to support the candidate chosen by the voters. If that happens, it makes the whole primary caucuses a total farce.. 

Let's hope the Superdelegates don't swing the vote from the primary voters. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Difference In Supporters

I may be way off by saying this, and I have done no scientific research on it, just empirical observation. It seems like attacks on same party opponents work 100% differently between Republicans and Democrats.

On the Republican side it seems like attacks on Republican opponents gains support. It seems like when Trump attacks one of his Republican opponents, he gains poll numbers. It's almost like Republican supporters like it when somebody gets, "chewed out".

On the Democrat side it seems like attacks on Democrat opponents loses support. It seems like when Clinton attacks one her Democrat opponents, she loses poll numbers. It's almost like Democrat supporters disdain personal attacks on other Democrat opponents.

Just a thought

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

IMPORTANT - Caucus Procedures

During your Democratic Caucus one of the first and most important procedures you need to vote on is how the delegates are distributed. You'll have a choice of, "Winner Takes All" or "Equal Proportion Representation". It's critical to vote for "Equal Proportion Representation" and you will need to explain why it's so important to the other delegates:

I will over simplify this so it's easy to understand and you'll see why voting for, " Equal Proportion Representation" is so critical and important.

Let's say your caucus has 10 delegates up for grabs

If you vote for "Winner Takes All" and:
Candidate A has 4 votes
Candidate B has 3 votes
Candidate C has 3 votes

Candidate A gets all 10 delegates, even though 60% (the majority) don't want Candidate A.

If you vote for "Equal Proportion Representation" and

Candidate A has 4 votes
Candidate B has 3 votes
Candidate C has 3 votes

Candidate A gets 4 delegates, Candidate B gets 3 delegates and Candidate C gets 3 delegates.

Now at the Democratic National Convention, Candidate B and Candidate C could form a coalition and give the majority of Democrats (60%) what they want, rather than the minority (40%).

Who could possible disagree with "Equal Proportion Representation"? It gives the majority what they want. That's democracy.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Education And Religious Craziness

TYLER (KYTX)- An estimated 300 thousand Texas students are home-schooled, but the case of one El Paso family with strong religious views could change the landscape of home schooling in Texas.

That family is accused of failing to teach their children educational basics because they say they were waiting to be transported to heaven with the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Texas Supreme Court is preparing to hear that case this week.....

Friday, October 30, 2015

Venezuela to sue US over its decision to regard Caracas as national security threat

I don't get it. What type of threat could Venezuela possible be to us?

Obama approves deployment of small U.S. special forces mission to Syria

The United States will deploy dozens of special operations troops to northern Syria from next month to advise opposition forces in their fight against Islamic State, a major policy shift for President Barack Obama and a step he has long resisted to avoid getting dragged into another war in the Middle East...... 

This is a mistake. We need to pull out of middle east. 100% abandonment as i wrote earlier:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

UN says US blockade of Cuba needs to end with overwhelming vote

"The UN General Assembly has voted 191-2 to condemn the US blockade of Cuba, with only the US and Israel opposed.
Washington voted against the resolution despite the recent renewal of diplomatic ties with Cuba and the push by President Barack Obama to lift the embargo first introduced a year before he was born...."

You would think with a vote of 191-2, we might rethink our position.